Digital Village Centre

CGAPP with our partner Integrated Sustainable Development Council (ISDC) has been running 32 education and livelihood training centres in 5 districts of Uttar Pradesh, India for the past 3 years. As a part of this initiative, ISDC has also set up a computer literacy centre at Khaira, Bahraich. In order to boost current interventions and supplement activities through Digital connectivity, ISDC plans to empower people to gain access to better healthcare, education, skills and livelihood opportunities through digital literacy and digital tools. The objective is to establish an ideal Digital Village, where ISDC interventions can be concentrated and the community connect can be leveraged for welfare measures in various sectors, at a hub at a central location.

ISDC will establish a Digital Village Centre at Khaira, Bahraich that can connect to nearby villages, which together have an approximate population of 10,000 people with our support.




The centre will enable three interventions –

      1. Installation of Smart TVs with digital learning resources to enable children in remote rural pockets of Bahraich to access digital resources.
      2. Not only will the centre be used for basic literacy and supplementary classes, currently being run by ISDC, all students and communities connected with ISDC centres can be mobilized to visit the Digital Centre for IEC activities related to health, livelihood training, advanced educational modules, vocational training, digital learning and other initiatives.
      3. All ISDC livelihood training programs focus on women. The centre can be used to bring back girl children to education or women who dropped out of school to continue education.
      4. Rural areas in UP often lack quality instruction in STEM fields in govt and private schools. CGAPP and ISDC will establish a STEM digital lab will be set up in the centre to address this and train children and adults in STEM fields.
      5. Computer literacy centres can also help the educated rural youth to prepare for various entrance examinations for government jobs and skill training
      1. ISDC will conduct training of identified local youth, currently running ISDC education centres, and provide them with equipment to run mobile Digital Service Centres. The youth coordinator will provide basic services, such as AADHAR registration, signing up for government schemes, facilitating digital transactions, trainings on financial and digital literacy, photocopying, computer-based training etc. to communities.
      2. The coordinator will use equipment provided to run operations at the centre, and also to visit remote villages. The services will be provided by the digital coordinator at a fee, which will serve as a reimbursement for his/her salary.
      3. One third of trainers under this initiative will be women.
      1. Citizens in remote areas often lack information about government schemes and the mechanism for signing up for welfare benefits under the same. An information centre will be established at Khaira, Bahraich to disseminate information about government schemes.
      2. The centre will also provide support to eligible beneficiaries on signing up for welfare measures/schemes.
      3. Crop and weather pattern advice to farmers based on Government schemes and data fro the same.


ISDC and our partner organization RIDF have arranged for Desktop computers and Digital Tablets for our Education interventions in Khaira, Bahraich.

To upscale ISDC’s current model to a full-fledged Digital Centre, more digital technology assets need to be added to operations. One Digital Centre has been operationalized in Khaira, Bahraich with Two Desktops and One Smart TV. The centre is providing basic computer instruction to youth from the area Approximately 100). In the first Phase of the project we will upscale the existing Digital Centre in Khaira, Bahraich and establish 4 additional centres (3 in Bahriach and 1 in Chandauli). The following digital assets are required to scale up the Digital Centre in Khaira, Bahraich for the first phase of the project –

  1. Projectors
  2. Public Wifi Router
  3. Speakers for Computers and Tablets
  4. Printer
  5. QR Code Scanners
  6. Inverter

In phase II, ISDC plans to establish two each in Barabanki, Raebareli and Lucknow districts. ISDC will establish a total of 11 Digital centres in 5 districts of the state of Uttar Pradesh after completion of phase II.

Apart from the Khaira centre, we have recently been able to procure computers (and not other assets) for an additional 4 centres.