AIBD Webinar: Sustainable Practices for a Greener Tomorrow

AIBD Webinar: Sustainable Practices for a Greener Tomorrow

CGAPP partnered with the Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development to assist member organizations in adopting green technology and enhancing climate reporting capacity. Workshops led by Sannuta Raghu, producer of the Eco India program, were conducted both in-person and online. Siddharth Nakai and Anindya Sengupta from CGAPP facilitated sessions during the AIBD annual conference in Bali in 2023 and organized subsequent online seminars. The recent webinar on January 18, 2024, titled “Sustainable Practices for a Greener Tomorrow,” featured experts such as Dr. Amal Punchihewa and Dr. Hemini Mehta discussing technological aspects of broadcasting and streaming, as well as sustainable production practices. The session, moderated by Anindya Sengupta, attracted over 50 online participants from member countries/broadcasters.

The event is finished.


Jan 18 2024
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