Sustainability Alliance

CGAPP Sustainability Alliance

Centre for Global Affairs and Public Policy – CGAPP – is set up to facilitate interdisciplinary research on governance, the economy, and issues of global significance. Since its inception, CGAPP has organised different events of which Tackling Plastic Pollution in Ganga Basin, Anti-Plastic Expo, Parivartan and Young Eco- Startups Confluence stood out as various organizations working in the field of sustainability joined hands. CGAPP is also running a Start-Up Accelerator Program – HELIX – for start-ups in the urban resilience space.

sustainability alliance


A group of organizations forms an alliance that works in the field of sustainability and makes collaborative awareness for proposing sustainability as a whole allying to create a larger impact. The Alliance will seek to bring in solution providers to amplify the impact of connections made during any campaigns.


In phase I, the short term goals will be addressed via presence on the India World View website. This will involve curation of materials, limited production of content and alignment of IEC Campaigns. Going forward, these goals will be addressed through creation of an independent platform (app) and production of original content with a dedicated team to facilitate stakeholder connections. The goals will cater to concerns of organizations, youth/students and solution providers.